The People Connect Platform

HR AI assistant

Access 24/7 support,

anytime, anywhere

Increase access and efficiency for field based, office, remote and frontline employees by a minimum of 35%.

Supercharge employee


Join the 75% of leaders who say that improved collaboration saves them thousands of hours a year.

Personalise and enhance

employee experience

Boost productivity by up to 20% and improve employee experience by up to as much as 50%.

Name and brand Equip to meet your business needs
Set the tone to match your company culture
You decide what content is available
Data access is controlled by existing security permissions



This tool has been carefully constructed to provide a beautiful user experience to support employee adoption and ease of use. Its user-friendly interface allows employees to access information, submit requests and receive automated guidance on HR processes.

data-driven chatbots


Seamlessly integrate with existing HR systems (HRIS, ATS etc). Track HR metrics (e.g. employee requests / queries), generate reports and provide insights for informed decision-making. Predict trends and issues related to workforce management and observe real-time data analytics to gain better strategic insights for continuous improvement.


Automate service delivery and provide a digital assistant to employees. Tailor features to cater to different business functions such as compensation, benefits and employee relations etc. Assist in setting goals, tracking performance and providing feedback.

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